Episode 89 – Nathan is a UTKM Yellow Belt and Baseball Coach with host Jonathan Fader
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Nathan de la Feraude is a UTKM Yellow Belt and Baseball coach. He grew up in Surrey, BC in the once notorious neighborhood Whalley which has since been slightly cleaned up. He went to University in Chicago pursuing his love for Baseball as his goal was to go Pro. Things did not go as planned an he ended up Back in Vancouver where he started at the bottom working his way up and is now a VFX Coordinator working on several notable big Marvel Projects like Antman and the Wasp, Wandavision and many other big movies. Nathan continues his love of Baseball by teaching, coaching and mentoring kids and teens who had the same dream he did but teaching them the things he wish he knew but no one showed him. In this episode it is very much a conversation where we discuss our backgrounds, growing up, mentorship, teaching, Addiction, Drugs, life and its difficult choices and due to some questions from Nathan several long winded answers from the host Jonathan about UTKM and Politics and the world around us.

Nathan asks that if you want to get to know him better come and train with us at UTKM a sentiment that we could not support more. http://www.urbantacticskm.com